The Problem

A book subscription club needed a way to manage their book inventory and to ensure that readers receive books they would enjoy.  Books were constantly coming in and going out, but there was no data collection or analysis to match the right book to the right reader.  This resulted in a lack of transparency as to what books went where and an overall decrease in reader engagement.  The organization was doing the best they could managing the information with spreadsheets, but often fell behind and found themselves working with expired data.  

“We had to get a handle on our book inventory and better understand our readers.  At the end, we knew more about our readers than we ever did, and so everyone was getting books they enjoyed.”

– Mayos

The Solution

KellerWay delivered a database solution that allowed the organization to quickly record its existing inventory.  This was done by establishing an API integration to ISBN so that users were able to scan the book barcode and immediately download and import all the information about the book.  The next step was expanding the reader profile to include all their preferences including genre, characters, and even languages.  When books were returned, the book was scanned, automatically returned to inventory, and the user assigned a rating based on the reader’s feedback.  This rating, paired with reader preferences and book attributes allowed us to confidently match books to member readers.  This largely automated process ensured inventory was always accurate and led to improved subscriber engagement.